Command + Z or Control +Z will undo the last transformation.Or, instead of memorizing each individual shortcut, Control -click (Mac) | Right -click (Win) within the transformation bounding box and choose a transform option from the context sensitive menu.Command + Option + Shift (Mac) | Control + Alt + Shift (Win) -drag a corner anchor point to change the perspective of an image.

#Photoshop cc pen pressure not working free#
While in Free Transform, click the Link icon (in the Options bar) to toggle the “constrain aspect ratio” option on/off.Command + T (Mac) | Control + T (Win) displays the Free Transform bounding box.These shortcuts can help speed up the process: Transforming Paths - With a path selected, choose Edit > Free Transform Path to access the transform controls. Note: use the Select option in the Options bar to toggle between selecting anchor points on the Active Layers (those that are targeted on the Layers panel)or on All Layers. Shift -click on a selected anchor point to remove it from the selection. Clicking on a selected anchor point with the Direct Selection tool will select that point and deselect others. Shift -click (or click -drag) with the Direct Selection tool to select multiple anchor points. Selecting Anchor Points along a Path - Click on an anchor point to select it (if anchor points aren’t visible on a path, clicking on the location of an anchor point will select that anchor point without having to select the path first (useful when selecting the corner point of a rectangle for example). Note: use the Select option in the Options bar to toggle between selecting paths on the Active Layers (those that are targeted on the Layers panel) or on All Layers. Shift -click on a selected path to remove it from the selection. Selecting Multiple Paths - Shift click (or click -drag) with the Path Selection tool to select multiple paths.

With the Direct Selection tool selected, instead of switching to the Path Selection tool, hold Option (Mac) | Alt (Win) and click on a path to select the entire path. To select segments of a path (anchor points, direction lines etc.), use the Direct Selection tool. The Path Selection and Direct Selection Tools - To select an entire path, use the Path Selection tool. Here are 15 of my favorite shortcuts that make working with Paths and the Pen Tool easier in Photoshop.